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One-Stop Trading AppEddid ONE
Coverage of a Variety of Global Market ProductsAccess thousands of global market securities, including HK stocks, US stocks, futures, warrants, CBBCs, ETFs, derivatives, and pre-IPO trades Strategize smarter with AI assistance Elevate your investment decisions using our AI-powered stock picks and forecasts Acquiring Market Insights and Seizing OpportunitiesStay updated 24/7 on market trends and get exclusive HK and US stock tips from our professionals Professional Futures Investment Platform:Eddid Lite / Eddid Pro
Exclusive Futures Trading Platform - Eddid LiteIntegrate technology into your investment experience for easy access to the latest trends in the futures and options marketsEddid Lite User Manual (Chinese Only) Comprehensive and Professional Functions at Eddid ProIdeal for professional futures investors, with comprehensive functions like flash order and chart trading for a smooth, efficient experienceEddid Pro User Manual (Chinese Only)